So You Wanna Be Prod

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Tips for Design Production Coordinators

Here are the things I learned as a Production Coordinator for the Design Department!

Watch a video about it here.

Tip #1: Be familiar with the script and be good at script breakdown.
- to be aware of asset count and complexities and how they compare to the project scope and budget
- to assist the Art Director and Production in managing asset expectations
- to flag methodology concerns early and enable plan of actions between departments
- to ensure that script deliveries and design targets are on track with the show schedule

Encourage artists to read the script too!
The more familiar they are with the script, the better they can tie in the asset’s functionality within the design.

Tip #2: Work with Design Supes when assigning and bidding tasks.
- ask for supervisor help when scheduling and assigning tasks
- supervisors will have the insight you need to bid accurately and
- to better match up task complexity with artist skill level

Tip #3: Stack up / backlog artist tasks.
- It’s common that artists will finish their task list sooner than planned
- The goal is to avoid idle time during work hours, so, make sure that there is always enough work lined up for artists

Tip #4: Send the notes out ASAP.
- Type fast!
- The sooner you can send out the notes, the sooner artists can make the revisions
- If all goes well, they may even be able to deliver the revs on the same day
- Just in time for delivery!

Be familiar with the terminology!
The more you understand the jargon of the industry, the better your notes will be.
The goal is to NOT confuse artists when we send notes out. The more you understand the words used in the pipeline, the more your notes will make sense.

For a FREE glossary of the common terms used in the industry,
check out the downloadable pdf

Tip #5: Sync up with the upstream and downstream departments.
- Upstream: SCRIPTS
- Important upstream info to know: final scripts, final asset list

- Downstream: BOARDS, MODEL, LOOK DEV, RIGGING (assets)
- Important downstream info to know: story needs, asset functionality, pipeline limitations, budget

Design needs to consider the budget allotted for OTHER departments too!

For example:
Even if a design is doable within the Design budget,
is the design also doable to be modeled within the Model budget?
If not, this may require a discussion with the directors, supervisors, and Production, if this is something that needs to be simplified, or to adjust the budget.

Tip #6: Aim to be ahead of schedule / be on track.
- Being the start of the pipe, if Design is behind, ALL other departments following it, will more than likely be behind as well
- So it goes a long way to be on top of the design schedule as it compares to the show schedule

Tip #7: Prepare a proper onboarding system for new artists.
- Helps address the artist’s early questions
- Sets up the expectations for the artists and builds confidence in the team seeing that you and the department are very organized! It sets up the tone :)

—————end of notes—————