So You Wanna Be Prod

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Word Bank Inventory: I

Chat speak for “if I remember correctly”

IK (Inverse Kinematics) vs. FK ( Forward Kinematics)
2 types of rigging; depending on the functionality needed, Animation will require one or the other from Rigging.

FK: Needed if user preference is to move each joint manually.

IK: Needed if user preference is for the software to auto-calculate how proceeding joints will rotate or move depending on how a joint preceding them are rotated (manually/auto). Like a chain.

To open, bring in or load a file into a software.

To figure out the expected animation or poses “in between” two keyframes. Also, “tweening.”

insert shot
Close up shot of something in the shot. Used to show further detail or to highlight an action.

instance / instancing
A copy of an asset without creating a new model file. It uses a source model to be able to appear and render as the original model but it does not require the same memory space as all the data on how the model will look will be saved under the source model (original). Often used for foliage.

interactive lighting
When the lighting of a scene changes in real time as actions within the scene or the setting/lighting setup is adjusted.

intern / internship
A temporary role to provide exposure to the pipeline, practice, and education.

iso / isometric
(1) ISO, International Organization for Standardization; A camera setting that represents the camera’s sensitivity to light or the light conditions in the image.

(2) isometric; Usually used in design or concept art to showcase an asset in its proper proportions and dimensions at a 3/4 view.

Information Technology

IT Department
Responsibilities vary per studio, but usually involved in the hardware and software needs of staff.