Word Bank Inventory: Symbols & File Types
A * on a script indicates a change was made on this section compared to its previous draft
.abc / alembic
A type of file format that contains data for CG files.
.bmp / bitmap
A type of file format for a digital image.
.csv / comma-separated values
A type of file format that contains data that can be imported/extracted from Shotgrid/Excel/Google Sheets to transfer and fill data cells or SG fields.
Digital Picture Exchange; a type of file format usually uncompressed, high quality, and heavy.
A type of image format, often a preferred render format as it’s HDR and smaller storage space.
.fbx / filmbox
A file format used by various Autodesk software.
Graphics Interchange Format; a specific image format. Short clips used in chats are an example.
.jpg / .jpeg / JPEG
A type of file format for images. Not typically used if an image, source, or texture requires alphas (transparency).
.json / JSON
A type of file format for coding used in conjunction with programming languages like Python to transmit or store data. It can be used to configure application/software settings and/or transfer data between different software.
.klf / Katana Look File
Contains look dev info / data (cache) of an asset in Katana to enable the program to interpret it to the desired look. Essentially, it is a file that contains the look dev blueprint (settings) of an asset.
.ma / Maya file
A file type exported from Maya or scene files.
A type of video file format.
.mpg / .mpeg
Moving Picture Experts Group; a type of image or video file format.
.obj / object
A file type used to be able to export and open a CG model between various software.
A Photoshop file.
QT / Quicktime
A video file format. Uses the extension .mov or .qt
.tiff / .tif
A type of image file format.
Universal Scene Description; A file type used to be able to export/import CG files between various software. Meant to enable changes to the file at different phases in the pipeline without disrupting the other departments or their work.
Two dimensional. When something only contains info on 2 axes (X,Y) or width and height.
3ds Max
CG software for modeling and animation.