
Tools of the trade! Here are the most commonly used software in Prod.

  • industry standard database and project management software

    • for So You Wanna Be Prod’s SG tutorials: click here

    • for Autodesk’s official tutorials: click here

  • an alternative to Shotgrid

  • used to review renders at their highest quality and in the proper colour space

  • commonly used to review media live and simultaneously amongst different locations.

  • an email provider and application

  • a common collaboration tool due its user-friendly nature

    • Google Docs

    • Google Sheets

    • Gmail

    • G-Drive

    • Google Calendar

  • commonly used for schedules, budget, and crew ramps

    • for a list of hotkeys: click here

    • shortcut charts provided by excel_and_otherstudy_material 1 2 3

  • commonly used for scheduling and resourcing purposes

    • can be used in tandem with Shotgrid via .csv import/export

  • the most common operating system for production even if artists are set up with Linux

  • an operating system commonly set up for artists and supervisors

  • also a common operating system for production especially for those working from home


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Tips in note taking.

Here are symbols and shorthand terms I use when taking notes to help with speed and brevity.