So You Wanna Be Prod

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Word Bank Inventory: T

When a character is posed to stand upright and its hands stretched out for ease of rigging.

Optional hardware for artists; often preferred for better control, precision, and ease of use.

(1) In assets, this means assigning specific colours or materials to an object.

(2) In shots, it is often related to assigning the specific assets to be used in a shot.

(3) In Shotgrid, it is used for filtering and tracking purposes by adding tags that help narrow down the search as needed.

tangent lines / “tangenting”
A note on composition when lines or edges on a frame touch or intersect. It’s often a kickback to adjust the perspective, camera placement, or staging in order to avoid the distraction and/or direct the viewer’s eye towards the intended subject.

targa / .tga
A type of image file format.

Usually Production driven to provide goals for the week and listing tasks expected to be completed in a given timeframe.

TC / timecode
See “timecode”

TD / Technical Director
A creative and technical role in a department as they are usually the problem solvers for processes or workflows that are not typically done in past or current production and they do so by means of scripts, codes, or other troubleshooting processes to assist artists and departments.

A small snippet/edit of the film used for promotional purposes, but is shorter in duration than a trailer.

Texturing Department
Painting the 2D details and colour on a 3D object.

three-point lighting
Lighting with all 3: (1) Key Light, (2) Fill Light, (3) Backlight to create depth.

thumbs / thumbnail
In Storyboards, it is the early phase where panels are very roughly sketched to showcase an initial pass or idea of the boards.

( Varies per studio. ) Often used in Shotgrid to denote a technical error an artist / department is experiencing.

.tiff / .tif
A type of image file format.

A camera move when the camera stays in place but rotates up / down.

A specific point in time within a footage detailed by the hour, minute, second, and frame. Helps determine where a note is applicable.

A technique when a shot is filmed at a slower frame rate, so that when played back at normal speed, actions will appear quicker.

timeline / time slider
Usually at the bottom of the UI representing the frames of a scene. It’s where users will set keyframes to build on animation, or store different poses.

Data summarizing the amount of time spent on a task.

A breakdown of time spent and on what in a given time.

Pacing or controlling when an action happens.

Chat speak for “too long didn’t read” 
Often referring to a summary in case the previous info is too dense or long.

ToD / Time of Day
Points in the sequence / shots / cut to indicate passage of time.

A term often used in Rigging to note a specific control that lets the user easily switch from one setting to another.

toon shader
A type of rendering style where the final look of a 3D objects mimics that of a 2D object.

To collect the data or movement information of an object at a given time.

tracking markers
Points or tapes or some kind of “mark” on objects in frame to help artists in tracking objects, characters, or cameras. By tracking the points and their movement, artists are able to use different software to manipulate the data gathered and transform its position when shown on screen and/or better integrate the assets into a shot or environment.

tracking shot
When the camera follows a character’s or object’s movement in a shot.

A longer version of a teaser; a short edit of the film used for promotional purposes without giving away the full plot.

transcode / transcoding
To convert what type of file format to another.

To move, scale, or rotate an object.

The effect or style used in edit when switching from the preceding shot to the proceeding shot.

translate / translation
To move an object without any changes to its scale or rotation.


transparency / transparent
To be able to see the image behind the selected image. When the alpha or opacity is 0.

To cut portions of a footage.

truck in / truck out
A camera move when the camera moves from left to right.

A shorthand for stage direction in boards indicating a character talking to the camera

When sequences are approved for production / for work to begin.

turntable / tt
A video file that showcases an asset and how it looks in 360 view and sometimes in different light rigs.

See in-betweening.