Word Bank Inventory: W
walk cycle
A repeatable or looped animation of a character walking. Often to convey its personality.
A collection of the most common sounds or exclamations of characters, which helps speed up records and or edit when adding them to cuts / animatics.
A review note when an image/shot’s red level is too high.
warp / warping
A review note when a section of the shot or frame is distorted.
A project management term pertaining to a scheduling approach of organizing tasks/phases sequentially in advance and then executing them as planned.
To create multiple versions (instances) of the same task/request with slight differences from each other to provide options for the reviewer to choose.
weighting / weight map
Often used in rigging and refers to how much rigs can control areas of an object.
whip pan
A rapid camera movement from left to right or vice versa transitioning from one shot to another.
white balance
A setting on an image or video that adjusts the colour of white pixels to be white and not tinted slightly different. This helps make the lighting look more natural.
wide shot
A term in cinematography often used to show the entirety of a subject.
widget (in SG/FPTR)
In Shotgrid, a widget is a box or mini window on a custom page that is built by a user to assist in data gathering and visibility tailored to the user’s needs.
A type of transition in edit that happens when the next shot is revealed horizontally/vertically.
wit cam / witness camera
On set, this is an extra live camera that is separate from the main camera used for the actual shot. Its purpose is to provide extra information for the CG production team where everything was on set so that objects/assets can be more accurately recreated in 3D space based on how/where objects were relative to each other. It provides extra perspectives needed that may not be apparent from the main camera. It also helps in providing extra animation references.
word bank
A teaching tool typically used to list key vocabulary or phrases to help students with their writing, reading, and speech.
A tower or computer.
wrap date
End date; Date when the project is expected to be completed.
wrap party
Celebratory event with the staff, crew, and/or guests for the completion of a project.
Chat speak for “with regards to”