So You Wanna Be Prod

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How to SG: Change Text Font/Formatting

I don’t know about you, but seeing notes come in like this, is VERY hard to read:

Why change the font style when posting notes?

  1. To make it easier for the recipient to read

  2. Making it brief and readable means they can understand your needs quicker, and can action out next steps sooner

  3. For brevity


  5. To clear out accountability / task responsibility

watch a video about it here

So, something like this is MUCH easier to read.

Did You Know?

Shotgrid uses a text formatting called “Markdown” which is a type of formatting that is much simpler to read and type if you’re not as familiar with HTML coding.

for a full list of markdown tips, click here


***text*** to bold and italicize

**text** to bold

_text_ to italicize

- for bullets

(4 spaces) - text to indent bullets

—- (3 dashes) for a border


  1. I capitalize words for emphasis or to break up notes.

  2. I type —-end of notes—- at the bottom for sanity check that I didn’t mistakenly cut off a copy pasted set of notes.

—- end of notes —-