Word Bank Update
Latest additions to the glossary:
burn in
(1) Details about the current shot such as frame numbers, shot duration, author, description, etc. Customizable to every pipeline and will be different per production/studio.
(2) Exposure to light
(3) In VFX/Comp, this is a note requiring the artist to place an element overtop an existing element or plate.
For example:
Applying a TV screen burn in by adding an infographic over top of a TV monitor seen in the shot. Or, a custom touchscreen interface on a practical screen or prop.
Digital Picture Exchange; a type of file format usually uncompressed, high quality, and heavy
a type of image format, often a preferred render format as it’s HDR and more storage space friendly
Head of Department
greenlight / greenlit
To be approved to begin work
Often used in assets when modifying an area of the model at multiple vertices at a time; changes feather out more gradually as opposed to the stark change that happens when moving a specific edge/face/vertex
Light Detection and Ranging; a way of mapping out an area by means of how much light is reflected off of the surface. Sort of like a heat map.
Lookup Tables; a predetermined colour filter to be applied on shots
Frames at the start of an animation or simulation that is outside of what is in the final cut. This is done so that a simulation’s desired look/shape/form will be shown on the first frame of the shot when cut together in a sequence.
For example:
A typical simulation of a fountain will start from a point (emitter) and will start with nothing “spraying” out of it. In the next frames, particles will start coming out and gradually increase in volume to achieve a fountain-like look. If you want a shot to show the fountain already flowing, you would want a pre-roll to account for the frames NEEDED “to start up” the fountain, and then only cut in from the frame at which the fountain is already at its desired look.
When sequences are approved for production / for work to begin.
A 3D software typically used for creating environments.
Disclaimer: These descriptions are less technical than their complete definition.
They are simplified to be more understandable for folks who are new to the pipe.
Previous word bank list includes:
*/asterisk, .abc / alembic, .bmp / bitmap, .csv / comma-separated values, actuals, ADR, aliasing, animatic, Animation Department, annot / annotate, atmos / atmosphere, attribute / att, Autodesk, beauty pass, bevel, BG / MG / FG, bids, Blender, blend shape, bloom, blur / motion blur, boom / jib, BS & P / Broadcast Standards and Practices, bug, bump, burn in, cadence, camera clipping, camera pop, caustics, caveat, CBB / Could Be Better, CC / colour correct, CG / CGI, change order, cheat, Cinesync, colour key / colour script, colour space, Compositing Department, contact issue, continuity, contrast, CP / Consumer Product, crashing, Creature Dev Department, Crowd Department, CU / close up, cut, cyc / cyclorama, dailies, decal, deliverable, denoise, Design Bible, Design Department, dials / dialogue, displacement, distortion, ditty, DoF / Depth of Field, dolly, double geo, DPX, drop, ECU / extreme close up, Editorial Department, EDL / Edit Decision List, element, emitters, EOD / End of Day, EOM / End of Message, epic, establishing shot, exposure, EXR, faceting, fade, farmFast tracking, fbx / filmbox, FG / foreground, flashing / flickering, flipfloating, flop, FML frames / First Middle Last frames, focus, Focus Testingforecasting, frame, Fresnel Effect, frozen frame, functionality, FX Department, gag, geo, global page, gobo, god rays, grain / grainy / graininess, greenlight / greenlit, Groom Department, Harding Test / Photo Sensitive Epilepsy test, HDRI / High Dynamic Range Image, HoD, Hero character / hero asset, hook up, Houdini, hue / hue shift, IIRC , IK (Inverse Kinematics) / FK ( Forward Kinematics), iso / isometric, IT Department, lattice, Law of Diminishing Returns, Layout Department, LiDAR, Lighting Department, lighting rig, Linux, LOD / Level of Detail, Look Dev Department, LUT, .ma / Maya file, map / texture map, marketing, Matchmove / matchmoving, Maya, methodology, mirroring, Modeling Department, motion blur, noise, Nuke, .obj / object, OOO / Out of Office, ortho / orthographic view, OS / off screen, OTF / on the farm, OTS / over the shoulder, overallocation, paintover, pan, panel, parallax, pass, Pipeline Department, pixelation, plate, playblast, popping, Post Department, practical, Pre-prod / pre-production, pre-roll, procedural, Production Department, profile view, proxy, prune out, .psd, PSE Test / Photo Sensitive Epilepsy Test, publish / publishes, PUs / Pick Ups, QC / Quality Control, rack focus, range of motion, Re:, rec709, reels / demo reels, refraction / reflection, reframe, render / rendering, render farm, RenderMan, resource leveling, retopo / retopology, Rigging Department, roll, RoM / Range of Motion, rotoscoping, RSMB / ReelSmart, Motion Blur, runtime, RV, S & P / Safety and Protocol, s / a, saturation, scope, scope creep, scratch, script, seam, sequence, set deck / set dressing, set extension, SFX / sound effects, shader, Shading / Surfacing Department, SIGGRAPH, SG / Shotgrid / Shotgun, skydome, SL / Screen Left, slate, smoothen / smoothing, SOD / Start of Day, spec / specularity, SR / Screen Right, sRGB, staging, stereoscope, still frame, Storyboards Department, stretching, strobey / strobing, SSS / Sub-surface scattering, surrounding shots, swimming texture, tagging, TC / timecode, TTC, Texturing Department, thumbs / thumbnail, ticket, .tiff / .tif, tilt, TLDR, ToD / Time of Day, toggle, toon shader, transitions, truck in / truck out, turnover, turntable, UV Mapping, Unreal Engine (UE), unwrapping, variance, VDB, VUE, walla, weighting / weight map, wide shot, wipe, WRT, ZBrush