How to SG: Adding Artist Vacation Days in Shotgrid
Ever spent hours scheduling, and after finally levelling everything, you realize that there was an upcoming vacation request that you forgot about and take into account?
Welp. There goes the schedule…
Well, there IS a way to make those vacations visible in Shotgun, and also a way for task durations and due dates to adjust accordingly if the dates overlap with an artist’s vacation.
Here’s how :)
- Goals
- Materials
- Steps in Adding Vacation Days in Shotgrid’s Gantt Display
- Steps in Removing Vacation Days in Shotgrid’s Gantt Display
As always, keep an eye out for Bonus Tips for extra tricks!
This tutorial is also available in a video! Follow along!
For artist vacation days to appear in the task page’s Gantt display when scheduling.
For artist task duration and due date to auto-adjust if overlapping with their time off.
You will need these handy!
Before getting started, ensure to have…
Info on the APPROVED vacation days
Task Page w/ the Gantt Display open
Production Approval that you can make this change
What if you can’t see the Gantt chart?
If the Gantt Display is missing, first, make sure you’re on a TASK PAGE. Then, look for the ||symbol and double click it or, hold and drag it to screen left.
Watch how to unhide the Gantt Display (Gantt chart) in the video below!
Steps in Adding Vacation Days in Shotgrid’s Gantt Display
Step 1: Right click on ANY task assigned to that artist
Step 2: Click Work Schedule > Edit Assigned People’s Work Schedule
Step 3: Click Vacation & Exceptions
Step 4: Find the dates in the mini calendar
Step 5: Hold CTRL + LEFT CLICK the desired days on the week shown beside the calendar
Step 6: Select Not Working
Step 7: Add a Description
If done correctly, a red star or asterisk (*) will appear on the vacation’s date(s).
Step 8: Click Create Exception
Step 9: Click Save Changes
Step 10: Select the TOP OPTION of the pop up box and click Update
IF DONE CORRECTLY: The requested days will be grayed out in the calendar.
Did you know?
Weekends are set to NON-WORKING days by default. That’s why you see tasks automatically get deferred to the next working day when scheduled over a weekend.
Steps in Removing the Vacation Days in Shotgrid’s Gantt Display
Step 1: Right click on ANY task assigned to that artist
Step 2: Click Work Schedule > Edit Assigned People’s Work Schedule
Step 3: Click Vacation & Exceptions
Step 4: Find the dates in the mini calendar
Step 5: Click “Remove All Exceptions” if you want to remove all the days requested on the selected week, OR, hold CTRL + LEFT CLICK only the desired days
Step 6: Click Remove Selected Exceptions
If done correctly, the red star(s) will disappear from the vacation’s date(s).
Step 7: Click Save Changes
Step 8: Click Update
IF DONE CORRECTLY: The grayed out days will be removed from the Gantt Display apart from the weekends.
Bonus Tip: There is a similar step for adding holidays, so you don’t have to do these steps one at a time per artist.
Watch the Edit Work Schedule tool here!
Bonus Tip: Check out my Prod Tips on scheduling here!
Adding and removing vacation days in ShotGrid is quick and simple. By following these steps, you can keep track of your team’s time off, ensuring smooth project planning and better resource management.
Also, it’ll help avoid accidentally scheduling tasks to be due on days that they’re not here! ;)
Aight, folks! Happy scheduling! 🎉
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