Word Bank Inventory: C

A type of file containing the precise location of the vertices that make up a CG object allowing files to be passed from one department to another. Caches enable various software to read and load the same data despite using different software.

The rhythm or timing that activities or meetings are repeated in a regular pattern.

e.g.) An ideal cadence for Dailies is everyday.

call sheet
On set, a document listing the cast and crew's schedule and other details for the day like who should be present, who will be filmed, which scenes to be filmed and where.

callout / call out
To draw attention to, to expand with further details/reference, or to request.

camera angle
The position of the camera to show a desired perspective when the subject is seen in shot.

camera clipping
Usually an error when the CG camera is placed in the middle of an object’s surface. This causes certain portions of CG assets to look spliced or invisible.

camera movement
The movement of the camera in a shot or the “POV” you see on screen.

camera pop
A shot error when the camera’s movement becomes suddenly irregular.

camera shake
Camera movement that simulates the effect of a handheld camera shake, commonly used when objects fly past the lens or during intense actions like explosions.

(1) A production term meaning to assign talent to a specific task.

(2) In CG, to emit or produce. See shadow casting as an example.

A special effect to imitate how a body of water reflects light back on surfaces.

A side note, usually attached to a delivery, to indicate the team’s warning/heads up/expression of limitations regarding a deliverable. Often used to mitigate the volume of notes by letting the receiver know of the already known revisions/feedback.

CBB / Could Be Better
Often used for notes that do not need to be addressed immediately. 

CC / colour correct
Adjustment of colour usually at the end of the pipeline. It could be a change in white balance, exposure, saturation and or contrast.

Color Decision List; Contains the correct color info needed by DI.

cel animation
Refers to the look or the process of early animation when objects in a shot are hand painted on cellulose acetate sheets, with one or more sheets per frame, and then played back like a flipbook.

Computer Generated Imagery anything on screen that is not practical or “real.” This could be FX (like CG fireworks, or CG water splash) or even assets (like a 3D character or set). It could also be PARTS of a practical, (like a CG needle on a prop syringe).

CG Supervisor
Computer Graphics Supervisor; Responsibilities can differ by studio, but the role typically serves as the main "go-to person" on the project, making technical decisions on workflow, tools, workarounds, and problem-solving. They possess broad knowledge across multiple disciplines and departments, making them a valuable resource for a deeper understanding of the pipeline.

change order
A project management term referring to any addition or modification to the original contract signed between parties.

Attributes that can be isolated as a separate layer or setting to enable an artist to control and alter how something will look after it’s rendered.

character line up
A frame or turntable displaying multiple characters posed in the same way and arranged in a line. This is an essential tool to review their cohesion aesthetically as well as to gauge the overall scale/proportion of characters compared to each other.

A workaround to achieve a desired look without following the usual processes.

chroma key
A process that lets the artist extract the subjects off of a blue or green screen.
See “keying.”

chromatic aberration
A type of artifact like a color shift seen in shot due to how light passes through a lens.

chrome ball
See HDRI ball

Cinema 4D / C4D
A 3D software for modeling, animations, motion graphics, and simulations.

The person who is responsible for pitching camera work, lighting, and composition to a director. They bring the director’s vision to life through their decisions in camera angles/movements, lighting direction, and shot layout/composition.

A software often used in reviews or dailies.

Hardware for artists and is a product of Wacom. It functions like a tablet and touchscreen in one and enables the user to draw on screen as the screen itself is the surface on which a pen is used.

A type of stop-motion animation using clay or putty.

clean plate

Another version of a shot’s plate but without the specific objects or characters. It will have the same exact camera movement as the main plate because it is the same plate/element but with specific objects or characters painted out.

Sample: If a plate is a footage of a “flying” actor who is hooked on wires and harness to help lift him up in a shot, a clean plate would be a version of that same footage with the wires and harness painted out to make it appear as if he’s flying naturally.

Additional CG/VFX may be applied to the shot, but clean plates are usually requested to help smoothen/quicken the integration. It’s faster to apply extra elements to a “cleaned up” plate with unwanted objects already painted out.

A cut out or shorter piece of a longer footage.

An error where sections of a footage/audio file are distorted or cut off.

clipping plane
In 3D, it is a flat invisible plane that can show the interior of an object if it intersects with it.

To make a copy of.

A type of resource that enables users to store data remotely on servers via internet instead of saving the files in a physical/local drive or computer. Usually hosted by a third party company.

cloud rendering
To outsource rendering needs into the cloud, accessing a much higher number of “render machines” and therefore resulting in faster render times or turnaround time when rendering.

Short for “compressor-decompressor”; Different codecs are used to compress/decompress media files with a large format or file size with little loss to its quality. Useful in storage management, data transfers, and archiving. Example of common codecs are ProRes, H.264, AVI, RAW.

When 2 objects or elements touch/intersect and/or react as a result of the interaction.

color management
To control and maintain the levels of colour throughout the production.

color timer / color grader / colorist
Role responsible for managing colour continuity between shots and sequences.

colour correct / cc / colour grading
To adjust the colours in shot by altering its levels or qualities towards a desired look. See DI.

colour key / colour script
A visual guide of the intended look of shots or sequences to convey the desired mood or lighting.

colour space
Colour is displayed in different intensities / hues depending on the hardware or software used.

Due to this, colour space is often needed to be consistent between viewers during reviews to ensure that all are viewing the same thing.

When various layers of effects or images are combined into one frame or image.

Compositing Department
Combines all layers (elements) from upstream departments like plates, CG, FX, and other digital assets. Adds the final touches or adjustments to shots before delivery.

Like “Photoshopping” but on a video.

compositor / comp artist
Someone who specializes in compositing.

To reduce the file size of a media file.

concept art
First step in asset design. Usually quick in turnaround time and not as polished. The goal is to confirm if the design is on the right track as the director/art director is envisioning before spending too much time on it. Usually also comes with multiple alternative designs/concepts in one sheet.

An editorial task of replacing a previous footage with the latest and higher quality version of the shot/sequence. Helps in being able to list the changes made in the latest cut.

contact issue
An animation error when objects meant to be attached or connected are not actually touching.

Sample:If a character is holding a book, but the book is slightly floating and not actually touching the character’s hand. (Unless of course they’re magical) ;)

contact shadow
The dark spot/shadow that another object casts onto another object when both are touching.

An amount of time or budget set aside to be used when needed in response to potential risks.

Keeping the actions and usage of assets consistent and logical with the progression of the story.

A common note in reviews to denote the difference between 2 variables.

CP / Consumer Product
A department responsible for goods or products to be purchased by clients / customers / viewers.

An equipment on set with a camera on one end and a counterweight on the other and allows for a smoother repositioning of the camera even through moving shots.

An error when objects penetrate the surface of another object.

Sample: If a CG character is holding a CG doorknob, but you see the palm and fingers go through the doorknob, the hand is crashing on the doorknob

A rendering error when edges appear unstable or out of sync with the rest of the shot.

creative call
Direction or instruction that affects the look, action, or story in a frame/shot/edit/cut.

Creature Dev Department
A technical department that simulates hair, cloth, and anatomy.

Staff or team members.

crop / cropped / cropping
To cut out a section of an image along the frame’s edges.

cross dissolve / cross fade
A transition between 2 shots blending A shot (preceding shot) into the B shot (proceeding shot). This can also be applied on audio clips.

Crowd Department
Generates assets and simulates animation of multiple BG characters.

crowd sim / simulation
To generate and manipulate a large number of similar CG objects without having to individually animate/tweak each model one asset at a time. Helps with efficiency in production.

.csv / comma-separated values
A type of file format that contains data that can be imported/extracted from Shotgrid/Excel/Google Sheets to transfer and fill data cells or SG fields.

CU / close up
When the camera is up close to an object or character.

curve editor
Part of a software’s UI used to create and control curves. Curves usually control the smoothness of an animation.
See spline.

A video file of multiple shots stitched together.

cut in / cut out
A shot’s first and last frame that is in the cut.

To abruptly stop the current shot/sequence to show a different shot to provide additional context/angle/perspective.

cyc / cyclorama
Associated with skydomes, it is the image on the dome or BG geo used to imitate a desired background without being required to model an actual set.

A repeatable or looped animation.

So You Wanna Be Prod

𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗


Word Bank Inventory: B


Word Bank Inventory: D