“Your greatest resource is each other.”
— Prod Tip #244
Recent Posts
Latest additions to the blog.

How to SG: Change Text Font/Formatting
Sharing the top markdown tips I use to change my text format when posting notes in Shotgrid.
10 Tips for Production Before the Holidays
Tips for Production Coordinators before the holidays.

SIGGRAPH 2022 - An Overview
General notes and thoughts about my experience of #SIGGRAPH2022
Tips for Design Production Coordinators
Top tips I learned in coordinating the Design Department.

How to SG: Save Your Page Filters (Stop Redoing Your Filters!)
3 ways to save your page filters in Shotgrid to avoid redoing them every time you log in/out of Shotgun.

How to SG: My Five Productivity Tricks
Top 5 productivity tricks in Shotgrid that I use on a daily basis as a Production Coordinator.

How to SG: Filtering Out Shotgrid Emails
A step by step on how to organize your Inbox and filter out your Shotgrid/Shotgun emails.

What to Ask on Your First Day
Sharing the different areas I PROD about (get it?) whenever I am starting at a new studio/project!
Tips for Storyboard Production Coordinators
Top tips I learned in coordinating the Storyboards / Boards department.
Tips for Script Production Coordinators
Top tips I learned in coordinating the Script department.
Prod Tips #006 - #010
Prod Tips and best practices in dealing with burn out, growth, and communication.

Mac Shortcuts
List of shortcuts when working on Mac. Helpful tips for Production Coordinators and Production Assistants in film, TV, VFX and animation studios.
Windows Hotkeys
List of hotkeys and shortcuts when working on Windows. Helpful tips for Production Coordinators and Production Assistants in film, TV, VFX and animation studios.
Prod Tips #001 - #005
Prod Tips and best practices in note taking, email writing, and communicating.

Production Departments
A brief description of the different departments in production and what they do.